Sunday, August 24, 2014

Love that Tricare

The most significant retirement benefit for my 30 years of service in the United States Navy is medical coverage. Full coverage started when I was 65. Within a month I had 5 stents placed in my heart, not an inexpensive operation.

Last night I woke at about 1 AM. My eye was burning. This morning my friend Ed Hart took me to the Hospital. Diagnosis, a small scratch on my cornea. Not real dangerous but believe me, pretty painful. So I have been treated and it a couple of days if things progress normally I will be all healed up.

That brings me back to Tricare. Since I have Navy medical coverage I never considered the cost of going and having my eye treated. Now in my opinion I earned this with 30 years of service - I am not a big fan of universal free healthcare and certainly, after my many years working in the Insurance industry and getting my driver's license renewed, I can think on any organization less qualified to provide health care than the United States government. If you don't agree consider the wonderful job the government has done for my brothers and sisters getting care from the VA. But it is nice to know that you can get the care you need without worrying about the cost.

Fair winds and following seas :)

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