Friday, April 30, 2010
Float Plan
Departing May 1 Key West to Galveston TX aboard Kipeki (Hull Marked Gypsy)
Expected Transit 6-10 days.
Return Key West via auto - stops at Pensacola and Ft Rutgers FL.
Roger (wilco, over and out!)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Do not name your sailboat Reboot
I forgot, I am all ready retired! Never mind.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Buzz Cut
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Key West destination Galveston aboard Kipeki
The chronicle:
Day 1:
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Departing for Galveston, TX
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Crazy Night
We have a new boat in the marina, a beautiful Swan 46. Nick and his two nephews are transiting their newly acquired Gypsy from
Unfortunately Gypsy is having the dinghy engine problems just like I did. So I have been giving back by ferrying them to and from shore as so many other cruisers did for me while I was waiting for engine repairs. (Did I mention that my engine died again – it needed a new spark control box – another $600 fix?) So we have been trading favors. Mike and Nate cleaned Reboot’s hull prior to my insurance survey. As a thank you I took them on the Duval Crawl.
We got down town in time to enjoy some dollar beers and then met a gal who lived in
I don’t bounce back quite as quickly as I have in the past. On the other hand Nick told me that the guys woke up, drank water, said “Roger is the bomb” and went back to sleep until 2 PM.
Prior to “sexy bull riding” one can ride the bull for a $5 charge. Mike wanted to ride so I said sure I will front the money. (The guys are, like all guys their age, broke!) Just before he gets on the bull he turns to me and says “I will bet you the bar bill that I can stay on for 10 seconds. I look at the operator, he looks at me, I slip him a “gratituity.” As he is talking Mike out to get on the bull he reaches down and adjusts some controls. Mike gets on and does really well for 9 ½ seconds. At that point the bull bucks and spins about 5 times harder and faster than it did for anyone else and Mike goes flying off. Age and treachery will best youth and enthusiasm every time!
Primordial screem
After two very expensive repairs to my dinghy motor tonight just took the cake. I spent a few hours playing euchre with some friends and having a couple of beers. Then I jumped down into my dinghy, pulled the cord to start the engine and the cord broke and came out in my hand. I rowed back to the boat.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Desert Storm
I am currently at a Navy marina. I always find it interesting when I learn something about one of my fellow sailors. I share my recent discovery of a poet among my brothers:
Desert Storm
Without the wind beneath my wings,
I often think of home.
Like pages in a summer breeze,
They leave me all alone.
When I’m not building bunkers,
Counting camels, or swatting flies,
I listen to
And all it’s deadly lies.
I don’t know what to really think,
It’s hard to play the part.
For deep inside I feel some pain,
Beneath my trembling heart.
Last week there was some talk,
And now we’re here to stay.
If only we could figure out,
Our Allies, for the day.
It’s hard to be a soldier,
In this, foreign, desert land,
Where economics, more than life,
They count as something grand.
Some think that war is glorious,
Magnificent and bold.
In truth it takes our young men,
And makes them very old.
But if you say that we must fight,
Then, here, we’ll make our stand.
Just do not cry –
When our blood runs dry,
On this dirty desert land.
Ken Scillieri
March 1991
Copywrite Ken Scillieri1991 all rights reserved
Part 1 is here: Part 3 is here:
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