Today Maury (Gypsysails) took me to Radio Shack to replace my lost cell
phone. I was able to get a new phone for $19.95 with a $10 time credit. I
also paid $6 for an extended coverage plan. Normally I would not bother but
cell phones on boats don't do too well. Radio Shack also provides a
military discount (thank you Radio Shack) so my actual out of pocket cost
with the tax was under $20. Maury also needed a new cell phone. His phone
is on a family sharing plan so Radio Shack could not help him. On we went
to the Verizon store. The Verizon store is not run by Verizon, rather it is
run under contract to Verizon. Skipping to the chase as they said that
Maury could purchase a refurbished phone* exactly like my new one* from
Radio Shack for the low low price of $100. But wait, there is more. He
qualified for a $50 discount. Such a deal! But there is more - you get the
knives, the vegetable steamer, the cutting boards - all for the low low
price of ....
Yes, it really seems like a scam.
Fair winds and following seas.